Thursday, April 7, 2011

Stump the Bookseller

I am a book fiend.  My older sister taught me to read when I was about three years old and I haven't really stopped since.  I'll read pretty much anything once and a lot of my favorite books over and over again.  My Husband's suggested getting me a Kindle a number of times, but I have so many beloved books we'd have to purchase's just not worth it.

As a kid I read everything from children's books to adult classics (I honestly thought Animal Farm was going to be about an animal farm).  While looking for a picture book I couldn't think of the title of, I found this website and I've really enjoyed perusing it ever since.

Harriet Logan runs a used bookstore, Loganberry Books (literature's gone green!), in Shaker Heights, Ohio.  She had a hobby of finding long-lost children's titles for her customers and turned that hobby into a website.  For $2.00 you can post a description of the book you can quite recall, and either she or one of the site's visitors will answer it for you!  Totally cool, especially for me...I want my baby to have more books than diapers when he/she gets here someday.

My book stumper involves a children's book I read in sixth or seventh grade (approximately 1997).  The only things I can remember about it is a group of girls who each have a magical gift which helps them "work;" one girl with cropped black hair has a belt or girdle that makes her invisible because she's a thief by trade.  I feel like another girl was a seamstress or something, but I can't be sure.  I'm also assuming there were either three or seven girls in the story...those are pretty magical numbers and the appear in a lot of literature.

So far no one has figured out my book, but I paid my $2.00 and I am still hopeful!  It's listed in the Stumper Archives as M595.  Check this site out and reminisce about the books you loved as a kid. 

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