Sunday, June 5, 2011


Sometimes I wonder what the world's eating habits would be like if God had exalted Cain's offering of fruits and vegetables instead of Abel's lamb.  Would we all be vegetarians?

What do babies dream about?  I mean, they have experienced very little at that age and so don't have the memories that contribute to dreams, but their subconscious seems very active when they sleep.  Do you think they're getting a taste of what their futures will be?

Are Capuchin Monks offended by the moniker of Capuchin Monkeys?

Prairie dogs and groundhogs resemble each other, but do not resemble dogs or hogs.  Why is that?

The Bible says Jesus is a descendant of the House of King David.  But Joseph, the descendant of King David to whom the Bible refers, does not have any blood link to Jesus (the son of God and Mary).  What line did Mary descend from, and shouldn't that one be more important?

Spaniels are called spaniels because their doggie ancestors were from Spain.  So why aren't Spaniards called spaniels, too?

If vampires are dead and therefore have neither heartbeat nor blood flow, how do Edward Cullen and Bella Swan have sex in Breaking Dawn?  Does he have a magical vampire penis?

Is it wrong to refuse to purchase ice cream that is described as "vanilla flavored" instead of "vanilla"?  Because I refuse to.

Why is convicted thief and liar G. Gordon Liddy a good spokesman for buying gold?  Isn't it a crime to buy stuff from a burglar?

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