Friday, March 11, 2011

My Dog Saga Continues

My Husband pulled a 36-hour shift yesterday and came home exhausted.  I cooked him dinner, sat with him and heard about his day and had him take a shower and go to bed about 9pm.  The guy was like a zombie…he could barely string three words together to form a sentence.  I was doing everything I could to keep him quiet and comfortable
Buoy, unfortunately, had other plans.  She got very fidgety at about 6:30pm…refusing to sit with us on the couch and laying by the door, which she rarely does, staring at us.
So I took her outside.  She did her business and came in.
Afterward she still couldn’t relax; she stayed by the door and started to cry.  Sometimes, living in an apartment building, we get a lot of noises and stuff sometimes I can’t hear that freak her out.  But this was different…she seemed very uncomfortable IN the apartment.
So all I’m thinking of is there’s some axe-murdered hiding in the extra room or the ceiling about the second bathroom is gonna cave in.  Check all the closets and corners…no axe murderer.  Check the mouse traps under all the sinks…no funny dead mouse smell (or worse, live mouse stuck in the sticky traps).  Buoy just cried and looked like a tweaked out crackhead for the next few hours.  Finally she lay in front of our bedroom door as if to say, “Can we please go to bed now?”
So I put her in her crate in our bedroom, no problem.  My Husband is sleeping and I’m reading in bed with my little lamp on.  About 20 minutes later Buoy starts crying in her crate.  Now, she NEVER does this unless she has to go outside.  So I take her out.  She didn’t do anything.
Back in her crate, back to my book.  Another half hour goes by and she starts crying again.  I tell her in a stern voice to go to sleep and shut off the light.  She does.
Two hours later she’s up and crying again.  I tell her to knock it off and go to bed.  She quiets.
30 minutes later she’s crying some more.  I get up and take her outside and then put her back to bed.
Another hour and she’s up again.  I let her out of the bedroom and she goes to her water bowl and has a drink.  I try to put her back in her crate but she stands at the door and absolutely REFUSES to go in (something she also NEVER does).  Now I’m worried, so I decide to let her sleep on the bed.
She settles on the bed and goes to sleep.  Buoy makes it…you guessed it…an hour before getting up and wandering around.  She’s whimpering sporadically but nothing like she was doing in her crate.  By this time My Husband is getting a little upset because of all the movement and the crying.  I take her out one last time and the kind of push her into her crate.  She cries for about 10 minutes and then settles down after I ignore her.  An hour later My Husband’s alarm goes off and he heads out to work.
I get up at 7am to go to the shelter.  I give Buoy breakfast and let her out.  When I try to put her back in her crate she once again refuses to go in.  So I pull out her bed, put in the pillow from the living room and in she goes; no sweat.
She’s been sleeping most of the afternoon next to me on the couch.  She still has this skittish look in her eyes, but if she’s frightened of something in the apartment we just have to wait until she’s comfortable again.
So what happened?  Did she get bitten by a spider or something in her bed?  Is someone’s smoke detector chirping and driving her crazy?  I have no idea.  And I’m definitely losing sleep over it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reading! I've added you to my Link List :)
