Saturday, August 13, 2011

Omnipotent in America

Ah, election season is fast approaching.  Makes me think of all the things on my personal political agenda.

Random List of (some) Things I Would Do if I was Omnipotent in America:
  • Make a rape or molestation conviction punishable by life in prison.  Rape is murder the victim survives and should be treated as such.
  • Require some form of military service in order to be eligible to run for President (opportunities will include all civilian support jobs).
  • Lower the presidential eligibility age to 25.  I know plenty of 25-year-olds I'd rather run the country than Sarah Palin or Mitt Romney.
  • Require people to retake their driver's exam at age 65...and every two years after that until they die.
  • Streamline the process for adopting/fostering American children.  And lower the cost.
  • Rehaul FEMA.  Rehaul Welfare.  Rehaul Medicaid.  Rehaul Social Security (you get the idea).
  • Federalize the following industries: aviation, energy and possibly medical care (but I have to do more research on that one).
  • Create a rule that states every time members of Congress vote themselves a salary increase, an identical salary increase is put in effect for public school teachers.
  • Make it a felony to possess any dog or cock fighting paraphernalia.  Strengthen animal abuse laws and sentences.
  • Get rid of the electoral college.  We may have needed it in 1793, but not anymore.
  • Streamline the process to become an American citizen.  The quicker we get them in here, the quicker they'll have to pay taxes.
  • Adopt an isolationist international relations policy until our military is back at full strength.
  • A New New Deal: we've got a whole lot of unemployed people and a whole lot of infrastructure that's falling apart.
  • Make Congress as a whole accountable to the IRS.  Watch your spending now, won't you?
  • Legalize marijuana and tax the hell out of it.
  • Make it illegal to own a wild animal, like a tiger or a chimpanzee, as a pet.  There are more tigers in Texas than in India.
  • Let Jamie Oliver into all American public schools so he can work his nutritional magic.
  • Federal funding to museums and zoos to lower or eradicate admittance fees.
  • Remove the phrase "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance.  Remove all religious references from all American currency, documents, buildings and publicly funded entities.  There's the separation of church and state for a reason.
  • Revoke all "golden parachutes" for executives of businesses requiring federal bailouts and redistribute them among the American public.  Don't worry, CEO, you'll get your (significantly downgraded) share.

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